Welcome to Little Woodland Adventures
Learning in the natural world!
Little Woodland Adventures is an completely nature immersed forest preschool, for children 2 1/2 -5 years old. Our classrooms have no walls, which allows the children to explore and learn freely on their own terms.

WELCOME TO: Little Woodland Adventures Forest and Nature School!
What is Forest and Nature School? Forest and Nature School is an educational approach that has existed worldwide since the 1950’s. The primary goal is to provide children with regular and repeated access to a natural space, with a largely emergent, student-led and play-based curriculum. At Little Woodland Adventures, children are understood as competent learners that help forge their own program. Children spend the majority of the day immersed in various outdoor settings where time is unhurried and there is space for independent reflection, collaborative creation and risky play. They enjoy the freedom to explore, build, play and engage with one another. The settings can vary – urban parks, forested areas, riverbeds and more – with various age groups interacting together throughout every season of the year. Activities are guided by a number of things and are as varied as the children who attend them and the environments in which they are rooted. (Adapted from Forest and Nature School Canada) Why Outside? We spend our days in the woods and creeks, where children learn through their own exploration – and it’s developmentally appropriate! Keeping it local gives students an appreciation of all the wonders of their own backyards. As we immerse our learning-community in the same outdoor setting on a regular basis, students develop a lasting connection with (and respect for) nature.
Core Values Play-based Education Emergent, Inquiry-based and Student-led Learning Place-based Programming, Whole-Child Development – Physical, Socio-Emotional, and Cognitive Environmental Sustainability and Stewardship Community Building
Mission Our mission is foster rich outdoor learning experiences that employs the natural world to educate using a whole-child approach that will not only develop a deeper connection with nature, but also a sense of belonging in and respect for nature, while encouraging them to form positive relationships.
Vision Our vision is for each child to connect to nature in meaningful way and hope to instill and foster skills that will stay with children throughput their lives. where we understand that play and learning are synonymous. As a complement to our traditional school system, we would like to see all children in local forests, creeks, beaches, and mountains, with a skilled educator who understands the power of play and child directed, emergent-learning. Children will practice using their bodies and minds to navigate the natural world, while pushing their boundaries. We will explore the land around us, taking note of what truly sparks the children’s interest and curiosity in order to scaffold their learning and development. As children deepen their relationships with the natural world, they will learn to respect and care for it. Gaining a sense of self-worth and peace from these moments outdoors, children will also transfer what they learn to their personal relationships. They will be encouraged to help others and respect their peers’ feelings and ideas, seeing their classmates as capable resources for support. Opportunities for literacy and numeracy will pop up in unexpected places as we find out what nature has to teach us. Moreover, how this connects to community building and a more sustainable world.
Children will be engaged in:
- Authentic play
- Place-based activities
- Life skills (such as cooking and conflict resolution)
- Gardening and growing food
-Learning about personal safety
-Using natural materials for art and construction
- Integrated curriculum - the things we learn about feel connected